Krista's Learning Portfolio

work hard & be kind

Weekly Reflection #1-Social Media Experience

“Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.”

AMy Jo Martin

I started using social media in grade 6, which is very early. Now, the age that people are beginning to use social media is getting younger. I created my first Instagram account when I was 12 and was unaware of the safety precautions I should have taken when I put myself online. Even though my mum made my account private, I needed to be more careful about posting where I lived, who my friends were, and what school I attended. As a future educator, I must provide my students with precautions when using social media and how it can be beneficial to expand student learning.

(Brandwatch | the Social Suite of the Future, n.d.)

I can understand why so many people love social media; it provides instant gratification and an outlet for so many people. It can be very draining to me. It depends on the media I am consuming and how often. Social media can be an excellent resource for finding inspiration and ideas. I usually use it for entertainment and to find new recipes or exercises.
This summer, I worked as a social media marketer for a tourism company in Saskatchewan called Cypress Hills Grasslands Destination Areas (CGDA). The social media marketing job allowed me to use social media in a unique way that I hadn’t done before. I gained lots of experience using the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. I created several reels, blog posts, and stories on these platforms.

My overall experience using social media has been positive, but I still can see its drawbacks. I am grateful that through social media platforms I can connect with people I love who I can’t see everyday. Social media is a very powerful tool, and it gives people a voice. But when overconsumed it can be detrimental to ones mental health.

Throughout this course I am excited to create educational social media platforms that will beneficial to myself, teachers, and students in the future!

Check out this picture of the dark sky preserve located in Cypress Hills, SK!

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

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