Krista's Learning Portfolio

work hard & be kind

Weekly Reflection #3- EPIC! Books

Overview and Description of EPIC!


Epic is a digital library for kids, teachers, and parents containing a broad range of literature ranging from comics, magazines, videos, and audio books to captivate everyone! Epic is accessible through an electronic devices, so students can access this resource in the classroom, and at home. 

Epic is a gateway to several electronic resources allowing students to find books that they are interested in, all through one app. It has a search bar at the top where you can make specific searches for a book, author, or genre you are interested in. Learners are able to add resources to their favourites, and then the Epic suggests more books that one might be interested in. Epic, also offers e-resources for several subjects, making it applicable in all classrooms. 

Using EPIC! In the Classroom

Educators can create classrooms online, where students can join. This allows teachers to observe students reading progress, and history of the books they have read. Creating the classroom inhibits teachers to gauge the reading level of students, their interests, learning styles and engagement in reading.

Additionally, incorporating EPIC! into a learning environment is an opportunity to model how electronics can be used for education. Students can use their devices to enhance their own learning, and find books that are fascinating to them. Students are more inclined to become active readers, and learners when the books are geared toward their passions.

Check out this short tour of the EPIC! website I created using Screencastify!

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