Krista's Learning Portfolio

work hard & be kind

Free Inquiry Post #4- Technology Usage for My Habits

My favourite words of wisdom from James Clear’s weekly newsletter:

“Two rules of my life:

  1. The person who has the most fun wins.
  2. The climb is the fun part.”
James Clear

    Overview of the Habit app

    I have been consistently using the app Habit, to track the habits I have set. I have found this app to be beneficial for logging my daily achievements, and mishaps. It sends out notifications as reminders to complete habits and has lots of freedom to customize the habit you are setting.

    The customization options allow you to set the number of times you want to do the habit in a day, what time you want to receive a notification, different units of measure for your habits, and choose whether it is a habit you are building or quitting.

    Additionally, the app allows you to see the progress of your habits over the course of a day, month, and year if you continue to use the app. I am using the free version of this app, and it has been great, without having to pay for extra functions.

    Review and Reflection of my Habits:

    The daily habits that I have set for myself are:

    1. Drink 3L of water a day
    2. Get 7-8hours of sleep a night
    3. Keep a journal in the morning, where I write out my to do list for the day, and a few things I am grateful for
    4. Anaerobic exercise 3-4 days a week
    5. Meditate for 5minutes before bed

    Most of my habits have been going well for the most part! It is motivating to see progress, and things checked off using the Habit app. But admittedly there is one habit that I have not completed once throughout this entire process, which is 5 minutes of meditation before bed. Here is the evidence provided via Habit:

    So now I need to find more strategies that will make me follow this habit, because the apps notifications have not been working for myself.. I am going to use a guided meditation through a free app via app store. Meditation apps I have found that are completely free on the appstore inlude Insight Timer, Oak, and Unplug.

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