Krista's Learning Portfolio

work hard & be kind

Free Inquiry #6- Personality & Habits

“When you tolerate an error, you rob yourself of learning. 

When you ruminate on an error, you rob yourself of happiness.

notice it, improve it, and move on from it.”

-James clear

I chose to include this quote on my blog post this week because as a future educator, and a person I resonate strongly with it. To be able to recognize mistakes, miscues, or “errors” in your actions requires lots of self-awareness. In life it can become easier to continue making mistakes if you are not reflecting. To practice my own reflection, I will journal about events in my life, and where I see I can make improvements. Journalling has become a useful tool for myself because it is something I can look back on, and it has helped elevate my awareness. This habit has become beneficial for me.

Once you continually practice self-awareness you begin to Self-regulate. Self-regulation involves controlling your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. Then when you realize your behaviour or actions may be detrimental to your health, relationships, learning, etc it enables you to redirect yourself to who you want to be, or who you are. 

As a future educator it is important to impose a growth mindset onto students. A growth mindset allows for continuous learning. 

personality & habits

Our personality affects how we interact with our external and internal environment. If you are looking to change or create habits, it is helpful to get to know yourself. This way you can prime environments to help you develop good habits.  Reliable personality tests can help one determine preferences, and then you can create routines best suited for yourself.

Personality quizzes:


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