DIgital portfolio
Digital profiles are collections of someone’s individual experiences, lessons, research, achievements, etc that are available electronically. People can continuously add to their digital profile throughout their life if they want to. There are several different platforms to create digital profiles that can be private, public, or restricted viewers based upon preference. Digital profiles can be personalized by the creator, and are a useful resource that people can look back on to reflect on their learning.
Types of Digital portfolios
- Website
- Blogs
- Online Archives
- Digital Journals
Digital Portfolio Platforms
Digital portfolio’s in a classroom setting
Incorporating digital portfolios into classrooms are a great way for students to document their growth in various ways with images, videos, links, presentations, research, and audio. Digital profiles give students more autonomy over their learning because they responsible for what is documented and included on their profiles. Students have the opportunity to choose what they think their best work is, and publish it to their digital profiles! Educators can’t assume that students have access to wifi, or electronics at home, but in general digital student portfolios are higly asseccible. E-portfolios allow students to curate videos, pictures, links, into their learning which is exciting for students because it is different to document learning than by paper.
In our tech class we have signed up for Seesaw, which is a platform that is designed for class use. So far I have found the app Seesaw easy to navigate, and fun! Our professor is able to easily share images with my classmates and I through this platform, and assignments.
I envision using digital profiles in my future class as way for students to share their learning with parents, document their work, and resources they find throughout each grade. I would use a platform for students to curate both group and individual projects. Additionally I would want students to record self assessment, and progess towards goals they have. I envision inorporating digital portfolios so children have an alternative mode of expression using digital curation, which is a valuable skill to have.