My favourite idea from James Clear this Week:
“If you’re stuck on a problem, try solving it at a different level.
If you ask, “What can we do to create a more unified country?” Then you end up with vague answers that are difficult to implement. The problem is mostly unmanageable at that level.
But if you ask, “What can I do to create a more unified neighbourhood?” Then you can likely think of many small things you can do to connect your friends and neighbours.
Zoom in or zoom out. Problems that seem impossible at one level are often quite assessable from a different one.”
James Clear
Reading: WHy make it a habit?
Research has shown that reading daily has profound benefits for people including:
-Strengthens circuits and signals in the brain
-Wind down tactic for bed
-Builds vocabulary
-Improves literacy skills
-Reduces stress
How to Develop Stronger Reading Habits – Oxford Learning
How to make reading a habit in the classroom
Make it obvious:
Since many of our habits are developed by physical cues in an environment, having books present in the grasp of students is important.
-Teachers can have children keep their book at their desk so that it is available whenever children are waiting.
-Create designated reading hideouts in your classroom! Having spots that are cozy can be encouraging for children to read.
Classroom Reading Nook For Kids – Kremi Png
-Implement set reading times into the school day! During these reading times the teacher can also partake in reading to lead by example.
Make it fun:
Many students do not jump at the idea of reading.. Teachers can find ways to make reader more “fun”
-Teachers can create book clubs for students who are interested in similar genres.
– Students could do activities with their book like creating character webs for characters in their book, or create a short comic of an event in the book
-Set a “Word Search” before students start reading. The teacher can choose a certain word, and children can see if they read it in their book.
-Expose children to several diverse types of reading and literature. Like audio books, newspapers, comics, etc.