Innovation in Education
What is it?
Innovation in education can be described as changing systems or models in education to make them better for those involved in the learning process. Innovation in education allows the learning process and learning outcomes to be greater than before. In class Ryan McKenzie showed us a great model to present innovation in education.
SD#5 Design lab
The SD#5 Design Lab is a classroom that is filled with technology for students to try out, and experiment with. The room had more space for us, and students to experiment using various forms of hands-on technology! There are several things that caught my eye in the design lab. There was a 3-D printer, a smartboard, iPads,a robot, smaller robots, Lego that could be coded to perform actions, and much more. I am not one who is normally fascinated with technology, but I was while I was in this design lab. This design lab has many characteristics that characterize itself in innovation of education. The design lab gives students and educators access to diverse and engaging forms of technology such as a 3D Printer, virtual reality, green screen, and much more.
Additionally, there were many forms of gamification in the Design Lab, which motivates students to participate more through achieving levels, or creating a successful code for a game.
The design lab, and its wide variety of technology creates so much opportunity for students to find things that tailor to their interests and needs!
It is a learning environment that is immersive through several mediums. Through using the SAMR model, and technology available in the design lab students are creating, planning, and reflecting throughout the learning process.
How Would I Use the Design Lab
In my classroom I would use the design lab for all subject areas! There are lots of curricular connections. You can use virtual reality to observe different 3D shapes, biomes, virtual reality allows you to be immersed in any setting. Students could recreate historical events using a green screen for Social Studies, or to recreate a scene in a book. The options are endless!